Monday, June 14, 2010

Sharin' the Love Part II

A total of $1.32.  Let's share the love!

Bishop Mark Hanson
Office of the Presiding Bishop
8765 W. Higgins Road
Chicago, IL 60631


June 14, 2010

Dear Bishop Hanson,

Thank you so much for your continued faithful guidance during this time of high anxiety and pain in the ELCA. I simply cannot fathom how difficult this has been for you. Know, however, that you do have support and prayers from those of us who wholeheartedly support the Churchwide Assembly decisions. I am so very proud to be a pastor in the ELCA; I am proud to be raising my children in a church where all God’s children are welcome, loved, supported, and accepted.

Thank you Bishop Hanson. You, and the whole of the ELCA, will continue to be in my personal and congregational prayers.

Pastor Sarah Schaffner

Mr. Carlos E. Pena
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
8765 W. Higgins Road
Chicago, IL 60631


 June 14, 2010

Dear Mr. Pena,

There’s a movement in the blogosphere to spread the love! So, here is a letter of support for you, for your staff, and for the entire ELCA. We indeed are a church who is faithful to God and God’s Word, and I am so very proud of the decisions made at the Churchwide Assembly; I am proud to be a pastor who can tell her children and her congregation that God’s grace, love, and acceptance has no boundaries!

Thank you, Mr. Pena. Thank you for your faithful leadership and guidance, and I pray this letter helps create a stack that far outweighs the negative ones that sit on your desk and in your heart. Know that you and the entire ELCA are in my personal and congregational prayers.

Pastor Sarah Schaffner



1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Pr. Schaffner! I'm all about sharing the love with congregations, ELCA missionaries, and ELCA servant-leaders!
    "Operation Thanks-Giving" is about sending random acts of thankfulness...check out I invite you and yours to participate!

    Sue Edison-Swift
