Sunday, May 30, 2010

Second Post--Three Pounds!

I have to post again! This week brings me to 23 pounds! 23 pounds! The bad thing is that it's really un-noticable--I've spent the last year gaining these pounds, outgrowing clothes I've already worn, so now they fit again, and to others it seems like I'm just where I should have been. But, the next twenty, will bring me lower than I've been since having these three the next twenty, I'll get to buy some new clothes! Better start saving the money, Steve! So, really other than that I have nothing to say! 23 pounds says it all!


  1. Dear Sarah,

    You rock! Congratulations.

    I read your post and put away the chocolate chips. :-)


  2. WOO HOO! I love how you tell Steve to save his money for your new clothes- Right on! (That comment is for my friend Steve not my boss Pastor Steve!)
